We are a think tank established to promote the trading, educational, and strategic opportunities of the modern Commonwealth. We are now part of the Royal Commonwealth Society.
The Commonwealth's Call to Duty - Defence & Security report
our defence report
Foreword by Rt Hon. Dr Liam Fox, Defence Secretary 2010-11
CX proposes three recommendations to develop Commonwealth defence ties
Download here
How to Solve a Problem like a Visa - Immigration report
Our Immigration report
Foreword by London Mayor, Boris Johnson
CX proposes six recommendations to enhance Commonwealth immigration
See its Commonwealth-wide media coverage here
Saved by the Bell - Young Britons' C'wealth understanding
Our education report
Foreword by Frank Field MP
CX proposes five recommendations to increase Commonwealth understanding in young Britons
Download here
Trade Guides for Commonwealth Markets
CX's major Commonwealth proposals as infographics
RT @MFATgovtNZ: Special Envoy for Commonwealth Trade Integration announced by New Zealand Foreign Affairs Minister @winstonpeters.… https://t.co/qRPILCJOE2
RT @timhewish: Delighted @theresa_may will visit 🇿🇦, 🇰🇪, 🇳🇬 for post-Brexit trade opportunities today. @Enterprise_MPs pamphlet… https://t.co/zdaLo758Qn
RT @CWEICofficial: 'The Commonwealth Connection' - our joint report with @cityoflondon @CoLresearch which investigates the growing tra… https://t.co/EB0PMKIeNK
Commonwealth Exchange Limited Registered in England and Wales with company number: 08451866