The Commonwealth - Why it matters

A joint Economists for Britain and Commonwealth Exchange seminar

4 November 2014, 12.45-14.00                                                                                   55 Tufton Street, SW1A 3QL

You are invited to a joint lunchtime seminar on the economic importance of the Commonwealth. The event will be chaired by Lord Howell, Commonwealth Minister 2010-12 and CX chairman.


Ruth Lea, economic advisor to Arbuthnot Banking Group and former director of the Centre of Policy Studies.She will talk about her latest work on the growth of Commonwealth markets as reported in the Times: The Vibrant Commonwealth is on a Winning Course.

Ruth will be joined by the CX directors, Tim Hewish and Ralph Buckle who will explain its recent reports and findings on how the UK can better utilise the Commonwealth for mutual prosperity.

A sandwich lunch will be provided.

Please RSVP to to book your place.